Invention Trivia Quiz Questions
Christopher Cockerel invented the what?
A: Hovercraft
What was "the best thing", patented in 1954?
A: Sliced bread
Who is credited with inventing the television?
A: John Logie Baird
What sporting equipment did Fred Waller patent?
A: Water Skis
Where is the best place to look for invention and inventing trivia questions with the answers?
A: Trivia Country ofcourse!
Edison’s first practical invention was what?
A: Tick a Tape for stock market
In 1778, what did Oliver Pollock invent?
A: The dollar sign $
In which city in 1847, was Alexander Graham Bell born?
A: Edinburgh
What medical life-saver did Fredrick Sanger discover?
A: Insulin
What did James Outram invent?
A: Tramways
Richard Arkwright, the man who invented the Spinning Jenny,
had what job?
A: Barber
AG Bell opened a school in Boston in 1872 for Teachers of
what kind of children?
A: Deaf
Cyrill Damien, in 1829, invented what type of musical
A: Accordion
What was the name of the Major General who invented the
exploding artillery shell?
A: Henry Shrapnel
In 1951, which two car companies introduced power steering?
A: Buick - Chrysler
What did Colonel Jacob Schick invent in 1928?
A: The Electric Razor
What was invented by Dr Edward Land in 1947?
A: Polaroid Camera
In 1912, what nation introduced the world's first diesel
A: Germany
In 1656 Christian Huygens invented what ?
A: Pendulum clock
In 1804, J M Jacquard invented the world's first
programmable device - What was it called?
A: Loom (used programmed punch cards)
The "Noisy Serpent" was the nick name for what invention in
A: Vacuum Cleaner