Word Trivia Questions With Answers

How do you Rizzle something?
A:  Sun dry it.

Snapping your fingers is called a what?
A:  Fillip

An  oikologiost does what job?
A:  Housekeeper

What is encraty?
A: Abstinence or Self Restraint

When a duck dibbles, it is doing what?
A: Drinking

A copoclephist collects what?
A:  Key Rings

What is Ordune?
A:  Arousal by nude pictures

Genuphobia is the fear of what? ?
A:  Knees    

A Scotopic person can do what?
A:  See in the dark

What is philography?
A:  Autograph collecting

Lyssophobia is the fear of doing what?
A:  Going Mad

What does a  librocuricularist do in bed?
A:  Read

What martial art translates as The fist foot way?
A:  Taekwondo

In Australia what is a Willy-Willy?
A: A whirlwind

Thaslophobia is the fear of what ?
A: Sitting Idle or doing nothing

What is a peruke?
A:  A wig

What English word has the most definitions?
A:  Set

What is the literal translation of terrapin?
A:  Eatable (Algonquin word)

What is an epistaxis?
A:  Nose bleed  

What would you expect to find in a binnacle?
A:  Ships compass

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