Medical and medicine trivia. Questions about bacteria, doctors, diseases, contact lenses, anesthesia, and more.

Medical and medicine trivia with questions about bacteria, doctors, diseases, contact lenses, anesthesia, and more.

What was the first human organ to be successfully transplanted?
A: The Kidney.  Dr. Richard H. Lawler performed the transplant in 1956 in Chicago. His patient, Ruth Tucker, lived for five years with her new kidney.

How many inkblots are on the standard Rorschach test?
A: 10.

An estimated five million Americans suffer from a recurring ailment known as SAD.  For what is SAD an Acronym?
A: Seasonal Affective Disorder.  It's a wintertime syndrome that can be treated with light.

How many miles of arteries, capillaries and veins are there in the adult human body?
A: 62,000.

What is the average lifespan of a human being's taste bud?
A: From 7 to 10 days.

In the original Hippocratic oath, by whom did the individual doctor swear to uphold the standards of professional behavior?
A: Apollo.

What do the bacteria Lactobacillus burglaricous and Streptococcus thermophilus have in common?
A: Both must be present in a product for it to be labeled yogurt under U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations.

Who was the first to suggest using contact lenses to improve vision?
A: Leonardo da  Vinci, in 1508.

How much does the heart of the average man weigh?
A: From 10 to 12 ounces.  A woman's heart weighs 8 to 10 ounces.

Why could we call William Stewart Halsted the "Mr. Clean" of medicine?
A: Halstead, developer of local anesthesia, was the first doctor to wear rubber gloves in surgery in 1890.

How many ribs does man have?
A: Twenty four.

What vaccine caused more death and illness than the disease it was intended to prevent?
A: The swine flu vaccine, 1976.

What is the hardest part of the normal human body?
A: Tooth enamel.

What did Dr. Alfred Kinsey study before he turned his attention to our sexual behavior?
A: The Gall wasp.

What famous American hero --educated as a mechanical engineer--helped design a germ-proof "artificial heart" in the early 1930s?
A: Charles Lindbergh, working with surgeon Alexis Carrel.

How many of the average adult's 32 permanent teeth are molars?
A: 12.

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